Large multinational companies face significant challenges managing the complex regulations, compliance requirements, and reporting obligations of transaction taxes. DMA’s transaction tax experts help clients manage the complexities of transaction taxes by maintaining a comprehensive understanding of jurisdiction-specific tax regulations, applying proactive compliance measures, and assisting in strategic tax planning.

Our team helps clients mitigate transaction tax errors and inefficiencies by providing solutions for enhancing processes based on proven best practices. On average, our professionals have more than 20 years of experience and provide clients around the globe with customized, comprehensive services.



Managing your transaction taxes is a multi-faceted undertaking where all aspects are intricately linked. Typically, a company’s tax department assumes the crucial responsibilities not only of handling transaction taxes but also managing tax policy, compliance, audits, and much more.

TRANSACTIONTAX360™ is where tax accuracy meets tax automation. DMA takes a holistic, consultative approach to solving our clients’ transaction tax challenges. Our transaction tax and tax technology teams work side-by-side, collaborating to find additional advantages and maximize your fiscal and staff resources—making DMA a complete, one-stop shop to serve as an extension of your tax department.

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  • DMA’s Transaction Tax Compliance service provides you with a complete outsourced solution to monthly transaction tax return preparation and filing. Our expert sales and use tax professionals, who all have state-specific knowledge, prepare and review every return.

    Our compliance service is never offshored or outsourced to third parties; all of our team members are located at our centralized compliance center.

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  • DMA’s Transaction Tax Recovery service is designed to identify transaction, sales, use, Canada sales tax, telecommunications, and value added tax (VAT) errors and provide proactive recommendations to mitigate future errors and inefficiencies.

    Our review identifies potential gaps in all transaction tax processes while confirming those that are sufficient. DMA’s transaction tax recovery team will educate your personnel and recommend solutions to eliminate the risk of future transaction tax errors.

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  • DMA’s Transaction Tax Audit Management and Defense service focuses on upcoming or current transaction tax audits. For clients under audit by a tax authority—our team strategically manages the entire audit process on your behalf or partners with you to perform a managed audit.

    Where audits have already been completed, our jurisdiction-specific experts analyze the audit findings and recover any overpaid transaction tax. We focus on helping you reduce transaction tax audit assessments—and provide you with recommendations to eliminate prospective tax errors.

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  • DMA’s Transaction Tax Advisory services provide research related to specific sales and use tax issues in support of your tax administration endeavors. Our team consists of experienced tax attorneys and transaction tax experts, all with knowledge of multi-jurisdiction transaction tax laws, regulations, and policies.

    At the end of the project, we provide a written summary of our findings, including necessary justification from laws, regulations, and court cases to help advise you on making the best decisions for the future.

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  • Tax business processes and tax technology software solutions can always be enhanced. Our technical experts leverage out-of-the-box thinking to generate cost-effective solutions with DMA’s Tax Process Optimization services and solutions.

    We first identify functional and technical gaps, and then close those gaps by enhancing existing tax software configurations or leveraging new technologies to refine business processes related to tax.

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Contact us to discuss your unique transaction tax needs and how DMA can assist your team