Written by: Evan Prendergast

A reassessment is a periodic revaluation of a property assessment for taxation purposes, and in the Province of Manitoba, a reassessment occurs once every two years. 2023 will be the first year of Manitoba’s next biannual assessment cycle, which will update market value assessments from a valuation date of April 1st, 2018, to a valuation date of April 1st, 2021.

There are two assessing authorities in the Province of Manitoba:

  • Manitoba Assessment develops and regulates the assessments of all properties located outside the City of Winnipeg.
  • Winnipeg Assessment develops and regulates the assessments of all properties located inside the City of Winnipeg.

Both Assessing Authorities will begin issuing 2023 reassessment notices for all properties this year:

  • Manitoba Assessment staggers the release of its notices based on a property’s municipal location between the months of May and June, with 2023 Assessment appeal deadlines occurring between the months of August and November.
  • Winnipeg Assessment will issue all notices by June 4th, with a 2023 Assessment appeal deadline of 4:30 pm CT on June 28th.

A lot has changed in the Province of Manitoba in terms of construction costs and market sales data between the last valuation date of April 1st, 2018, and the new valuation date of April 1st, 2021. If you are a property owner or tenant, you should consider having your new property reassessment reviewed by a tax professional.

For more information about the Manitoba Assessment Cycle and Appeal process, contact one of our tax professionals to discuss your needs.