Nathan Fineman
Director, Practice Lead
Property Tax
Nathan identifies valuation issues and potential tax savings opportunities through personal property tax reviews and works to provide tax savings recommendations for clients nationally. He partners with clients in the areas of consulting, tax planning, tax minimization, and audit defense. Nathan performs detailed reviews of clients’ fixed asset listings and compliance filings to determine areas of tax savings. He inspects a wide variety of facility and asset types, represents clients in audit scenarios and appeals, and assists with filing necessary tax documents, including securing exemptions and abatements.
8 years in property tax; 3 years with DMA
- 5 years of experience as a machinery and equipment appraiser
- Experience covers various industries, including consumer and industrial products, automotive, healthcare, financial institutions, printing, specialty chemicals, railroad, food and beverage processing and packaging, retail, and hospitality
- Highly experienced in managing and performing complex valuation reviews and assignments for domestic and international clients worldwide
- Has valued assets throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Australia, Asia, and South Africa
- Completed comprehensive on-site inspections at numerous locations in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, with additional locations completed on a desktop basis
Alabama | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia Indiana | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maryland | Massachusetts | Mississippi | Missouri | Nevada | North Carolina | Oklahoma | Oregon | South Carolina | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Virginia | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming
Automotive | Banking & Financial Services | Data Centers | Distribution | Healthcare | Hospitality | Manufacturing | Mining | Pharmaceuticals | Retail | Transportation
S&P Capital IQ | Value Line | Kroll Cost of Capital Navigator
- Bachelor of Arts, Economics and Political Science (emphasis in Business Management) – Indiana University
- Accredited Senior Appraiser – American Society of Appraisers (ASA), Machinery and Technical Specialties
- Treasurer, Chicago Chapter ASA Board
- Regularly attends continuing education courses through the American Society of Appraisers and other institutions
- Regularly presents on personal property tax topics
- Speaker, Institute for Professionals in Taxation (IPT) Annual Conference
- Regularly conducts in-depth industry research