Designed for Efficiency

TaxARC™ is developed specifically for tax professionals to improve analysis and reporting of purchasing and sales activity. TaxARC™ also enables tax professionals to create and leverage dynamic logic for efficient month-end tax review on purchasing activity, providing auto-processing of routine transactions while highlighting any transactions the tax professional will want to review.

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Why TaxARC™

Addressing a range of pain points faced by tax professionals, TaxARC™ offers numerous tailored benefits as well as flexibility, depending on your company’s needs and current technology.

Data Warehouse

  • Gain efficient access to data from multiple source systems by leveraging the data warehouse and analytics on all imported sales and purchasing data
  • Identify trend analysis and KPIs from historical data through standard and custom dashboards with easy-to-interpret data visualization
  • Rely on simple yet robust audit support with the end-to-end repository
  • Access all transactions and transaction data without reliance on your IT team

Accrual Analysis Benefits

  • Efficiently review purchasing data with our easy-to-navigate user interface
  • Improve efficiency, increase accuracy, and save time with automated tax accrual calculation, review, and adjustment
  • Supplement tax-relevant details from AP invoices with available Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities
  • Save time with auto-process tax determination and review processes
  • Stay agile, flexible, and ahead of unique tax complexities and ad-hoc changes
  • Expand and grow with the capability to allocate to multiple jurisdictions (software purchases, marketing, etc.)

TaxARC™ Solutions

For Companies Without a Tax Engine: Primary Use Tax Accrual Determination

For companies without a tax engine—or a tax engine that does not integrate with the purchasing system—TaxARC™ can serve as the primary determinant of use tax, providing a comprehensive solution without the need for hefty IT or financial resources. TaxARC™ can be used without directly touching a company’s ERP or source systems.

For Companies With a Tax Engine: Use Tax Accrual Safety Net

In conjunction with an in-use tax engine, TaxARC™ acts as a safety net for reviewing and adjusting purchasing transactions by providing a user-friendly interface for auto-processing transactions and evaluating pending scenarios. Tax engines often rely on imperfect data, and most errors are due to a lack of granularity for tax purposes with business data attributes. With TaxARC™, the review of purchasing activity for proper taxability becomes more streamlined.

Additional Benefits

Enhanced Use Tax Review Process

  • Improve accuracy and reduce staff review time for month-end accrual analysis
  • Minimize manual intervention and data manipulation by utilizing auto-processing rules
  • Have visibility when a vendor charges tax in error
  • Easily accrue and/or reverse accrue use tax

Custom Reporting

  • Customize and auto-generate month-end summary and detailed reports
  • Report on historical data for audit support or ad-hoc purposes
  • Analyze and report KPIs and other relevant historical data and trends through customized dashboards

Unlock Tax Efficiency with TaxARC™

Find out why TaxARC™ is more than a software solution—it’s a strategic ally in the complex landscape of transaction tax management.