Todd Tessier
Property Tax
Todd leads a team of real estate property tax consultants in DMA’s Northeast US region. He oversees and performs detailed reviews and analyses of client real property tax assessments to identify savings and refund opportunities. Todd provides detailed real property tax estimations on existing property and new construction plans. His team carries out the appeal process on behalf of DMA clients, including assisting in property tax administrative hearings.
15+ years in property tax; 1 year with DMA
- 20+ years of experience in commercial real estate
- Possesses comprehensive real estate property tax and valuation experience
- Completed thousands of real property tax assessment review projects throughout the Southeast and Northeast US
- Expert in researching real estate markets, analyzing properties, and negotiating reductions at all levels
- Experience includes valuation of real property in industrial manufacturing, warehouse, food processing, office, research & development, flex, self-storage, multi-family, hotels, retail, and data centers
- Prior to joining DMA, Todd owned a regional property tax consulting firm and was the New England market leader for two national property tax consulting firms
Connecticut | Maine | Massachusetts | New Hampshire | New York | Rhode Island | Vermont
Commercial Real Estate | Data Centers | Financial Services | Healthcare | Hospitality | Insurance | Manufacturing | Pharmaceutical | Retail | Utilities
Costar | GreenStreet | IBISWorld | Pictometry
- Bachelor of Science, Marketing – Plymouth State University
- Completed numerous courses in property valuation in undergraduate and graduate programs and through professional organizations such as the International Association of Assessing Officers, the Appraisal Institute, and the CCIM Institute
- Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM)
- Board Member, CCIM New England Chapter