Brandon Freyberger
Director, Practice Lead
Transaction Tax
Brandon leads DMA’s Midsouth and Midwest sales & use tax operations and provides effective sales & use tax solutions to DMA’s clients. He works closely with clients and DMA’s sales & use tax professionals to develop and implement tax planning strategies that result in significant tax savings. Brandon also plans, organizes, and performs sales & use tax recovery reviews for large public and private corporations. He analyzes clients’ transaction tax data, reviews sales & use tax audit assessments, and files the necessary refunds and appeals. Brandon also negotiates with auditors and hearing officers regarding audit assessments and refunds, performs sales & use tax managed audits on behalf of clients, establishes managed compliance agreements, and provides sales & use tax training seminars. He proactively works with state tax authorities to ensure DMA’s clients receive equitable treatment as compared to other taxpayers in the same state and industry. Brandon also leads DMA’s utility study review practice and assists clients with mapping their product/service categories to various tax engines.
21 years in sales & use tax; 21 years with DMA
- Completed hundreds of sales & use tax recovery projects, audit reduction reviews, and managed audits
- Performs utility studies on behalf of DMA’s clients
- Performs tax advisory/research services
- Assists clients with mapping product/service categories to various tax engines such as Vertex®, AvaTax®, ONESOURCE®, and Sovos
Arkansas | Indiana | Kentucky | Tennessee | Virginia | West Virginia
Automotive | Data Centers | Energy & Utilities | Banking & Financial | Manufacturing | Mining | Oil & Gas | Pharmaceutical | Retail | Technology
OCR Technology | Robotic Process Automation (RPA) | SAP AP Validation Utility | TaxARC™ | Vertex® O Series | CCH | Avalara/TTR
- Bachelor of Science in Financial Management – Indiana University
- Continually attends seminars that examine the latest changes in state and local taxation
- Frequent presenter on sales/use tax topics for tax industry organizations and DMA educational forums