Andrew Davis
Managing Director
Canada Sales Tax
Andrew leads the Canada Sales Tax practice, providing services to our Canadian, US, and worldwide clients with a Canada sales tax and international VAT tax footprint. Andrew leads our team of Canada sales tax specialists providing tax solutions to clients including tax advisory, audit defense, objections and appeal filings, and recovery reviews. Andrew also manages our international VAT recovery review practice.
33 years in indirect tax; 24 years in Canada sales tax; 13 years with DMA
- Provides consulting and resources to numerous Fortune 1000 tax departments, offering tax advisory, audit defense, and tax recovery services
- Represents clients regarding services of all Canada sales tax jurisdictions (GST/HST, QST, BCPST, MBPST, SKPST) and VAT services in the UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, and Saudi Arabia
- Works across a broad range of industries, including national/global retail, manufacturing, distribution, non-profit, and telecommunication
- Negotiates with tax authorities across Canada and the UK in successfully resolving audits, objections, appeals, and tax adjustment filings
- Generated +$600,000 in property tax savings for clients
Automotive | Manufacturing | Retail | Non-profit | Oil & Gas | Pharmaceutical | Transportation
- Bachelor of Economics (Finance Major) Monash University Australia
- Frequent presenter on Canada sales tax topics for tax industry organizations and DMA Educational Forums