With over 50 years of experience, DMA specializes in most corporate tax, including property tax, transaction tax, state income and franchise tax, VAT, and credits and incentives; we also have expertise in global tax technology integration and implementation, and unclaimed property. We offer comprehensive services including tax recovery and audit defense, tax advisory and planning, compliance, and technology.

Our team, comprised of former state tax auditors, administrators, appraisers, attorneys, and engineers, brings extensive expertise to every engagement. With a national reach and a local focus, DMA has built a strong reputation in the industry, which is highlighted by our client testimonials, certifications, memberships, and awards.

Benefits of Working with DMA


We have specialized in state, provincial, and local tax for over 50 years and have a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who can handle any tax issue you may have. We have very low turnover and high tenure among our professionals, ensuring a consistent service team with exceptional experience to partner with you.


We provide services globally, including tax recovery and audit defense, tax planning, compliance, advisory, tax automation, and training. We deliver high-quality, high-value services that exceed expectations.


We value communication and collaboration with clients, keeping you informed of every project step and the results. We offer clients access to a secure, user-friendly online portal where tax documents, reports, and invoices can be viewed and downloaded, and ad hoc requests can be submitted. The DMA Client Portal also provides regular updates and newsletters on tax issues and events. All communications are tailored based on your team’s needs and preferences.


Experts from our multiple practice areas collaborate as one team to develop solutions that solve specific and broad tax issues resulting in maximized benefits for clients.


We stay updated and ahead of the latest tax developments and trends, helping clients adapt to the changing tax landscape and seize new opportunities. We use the latest tools and technologies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our services.


We have a proven track record and strong reputation in the tax field, as evidenced by our memberships, awards, publications, and testimonials. We have the respect and the trust of our clients, industry peers,  jurisdiction tax authorities, and courts.


We offer flexible, creative, and competitive fee structure options. We incorporate numerous project factors and client preferences to address your objective, creating the most benefit for your company.


One of the key advantages of working with DMA is the longevity and dedication of our employees. We are an employee-owned company, which means that every employee has a stake in the success of the business and the satisfaction of our clients. Every DMA employee-owner works to create a culture of teamwork, accountability, and high performance. As a result, we have a low turnover rate and a high retention rate, which translate into consistent and quality service for our clients. You can trust that our team of experts will be with you every step of the way.

Reach out to our team of experts to learn more about DMA and how we can help you with your state and local tax needs.


  • We offer a full range of state, provincial, and local tax services, including audit defense, tax recovery, nexus studies, tax planning, compliance, advisory, and tax software consulting. We help clients overcome a wide range of tax issues, including reducing tax liability and increasing cash flow, complying with the tax laws and regulations, resolving any tax disputes or audits, and automating tax processes. We also offer flexible and competitive pricing options, such as hourly, project-based, or contingency fees, depending on the nature and outcome of the service.

  • We handle confidentiality and data security with the utmost care and professionalism. We store, transmit, and dispose of your data in a secure and encrypted manner using the latest technologies and methods. We use authentication and authorization systems to limit and control access to your data, and we monitor and audit any data activity. We also have safeguards and backups in place to prevent and recover any data loss or damage. We comply with all the relevant laws and regulations regarding data protection and privacy, and we respect your data rights and preferences.

  • We value communication and collaboration with our clients. Clients are updated on the progress and results of our work and can reach us at any time. Our online client portal provides easy access to the status of current and prior engagements and projects, contract and invoicing information, results and deliverables, and more. We welcome feedback and suggestions and adjust our approach and strategy to meet the needs of our clients. We treat our clients as partners and are committed to building long-term, trusting relationships.

  • We monitor and research tax issues and trends daily. We use various sources and resources, such as taxing agency websites, newsletters, webinars, and databases, to keep ourselves and our clients updated on the latest developments. We also educate clients on new developments through training programs, seminars, publications, and client-specific training. We are ready to help our clients adapt to the changing tax landscape and seize new opportunities.

  • DMA has the expertise and resources to handle multi-jurisdiction tax issues and controversies. We have a global presence with a local focus, with offices and professionals across the US, Canada, and Europe. We have the experience and the relationships necessary to work with tax officials and negotiate favorable outcomes for our clients. Our tax experts utilize effective strategies and solutions to help our clients minimize tax exposure and maximize tax savings across multiple jurisdictions.

  • Every client is unique, and we customize our services to meet the needs and objectives of our clients. We assess their specific tax situation, identify tax risks and opportunities, and design a plan that suits their business model and industry. Our team takes a personalized and customized approach that reflects the uniqueness and diversity of our clients rather than imposing a one-size-fits-all approach, as other firms are known to do.

  • We use metrics and indicators, such as filing volume, tax savings, refunds, credits, exemptions, reductions, efficiency improvements, and more, to show how much value we have delivered to our clients. We also use testimonials and reviews to illustrate client satisfaction with our services. We provide clients with detailed and timely reports and feedback on our work and welcome their input and evaluation.


  • Success Story

Overturning Overvaluation: Retail Property’s Assessed Valuation Reduced by Half

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  • Success Story

Global Manufacturer Leverages Vendor Selection Service to Choose Tax Engine

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  • Success Story

Unlocking Tax Efficiency for a Fortune 1000 Manufacturer

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  • Success Story

DMA Recovers Significant Tax Savings on Solar Construction Project

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  • Success Story

Renewables Developer Secures $100M+ Incentive Package on Tight Deadline

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  • Success Story

Over $8M in Cash Flow Savings After VAT Review & Analysis

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Partner for Smarter Tax Solutions

Ready to optimize your tax strategy with a partner you can trust? Contact us today and let’s discuss your unique tax needs.